Friday, March 20, 2020

My Sisters Keeper Book Club Discussion Questions

My Sister's Keeper Book Club Discussion Questions My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult presents a lot of questions for book clubs to discuss. These book club discussion questions on My Sisters Keeper will allow your book club to delve into the issues Picoult raises about family, science and doing the right thing in a hard situation. Book Club Discussion Questions  for My Sisters Keeper Spoiler warning: These book club discussion questions reveal important details about My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult. (Finish the book before reading on!) Reread the prologue to My Sisters Keeper. Who is speaking? Is that who you thought was speaking the first time you read it?My Sisters Keeper is told from many different viewpoints. Why do you think Jodi Picoult wrote it this way? How did hearing from each character change your opinions of them and of the situation?Do you think Sara is a good mother? Do you sympathize with her? How does her martyrdom affect the rest of the family?Discuss the consequences of the trial other than the ruling. In what ways does it force people to deal with issues in their relationships? Sara and Brian? Anna and her parents? Julia and Campbell?Why does Jesse burn things? Is Jesse the opposite of his firefighter father or are they similar? In what ways?Discuss the ways each family member copes with their situation. How are each of their identities affected by Kate? How does this affect Kate?Why did Kate ask Anna to sue for medical emancipation? Was Anna right to listen to her wishes?Do you think it is ethic al to have a designer baby like Anna was? The epilogue talks about how the family moved on. How did they grieve? How did they survive? In what ways did Anna give life back to all of them, not just Kate?Rate My Sisters Keeper on a scale of 1 to 5.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

The Feminist Pro-Woman Line

The Feminist Pro-Woman Line The Pro-Woman Line refers to the idea introduced by 1960s radical feminists that women should not be blamed for their own oppression. The Pro-Woman Line evolved out of consciousness-raising and became a significant part of the Womens Liberation movement. The Pro-Woman Argument The Pro-Woman Line sought to explain contradictory behavior. For example, feminists applied it to makeup and other beauty standards. The anti-woman argument was that women participate in their own oppression by wearing makeup, uncomfortable clothes, girdles, or high-heeled shoes. The Pro-Woman Line said that women are not at fault; they just do what they need to do in a world that creates impossible beauty standards. If women are treated better when they wear makeup, and are told they look sick when not wearing makeup, a woman who wears makeup to work does not create her own oppression. She is doing what society requires of her to succeed. During the 1968 Miss America Protest instigated by New York Radical Women, some protesters criticized the female contestants for participating in the pageant. According to the Pro-Woman Line, the contestants should not be criticized, but the society that put them in that situation should be criticized. However, the Pro-Woman Line also argues that women do resist negative portrayals and oppressive standards. In fact, the Womens Liberation Movement was a way to unite women in a struggle they were already fighting individually. The Pro-Woman Line in Feminist Theory Some radical feminist groups had disagreements about feminist theory. Redstockings, formed in 1969 by Shulamith Firestone and Ellen Willis, took the Pro-Woman stance that women must not be blamed for their oppression. Redstockings members asserted that women did not need to change themselves, but to change men. Other feminist groups criticized the Pro-Woman Line for being too simplistic and not leading to change. If womens behaviors were accepted as a necessary response to oppressive society, how would women ever change those behaviors? The Pro-Woman Line theory criticizes the prevailing myth that women are somehow lesser people than men, or that women are weaker and more emotional. Feminist critical thinker Carol Hanisch wrote that women are messed over, not messed up. Women have to make less-than-ideal choices to survive in an oppressive society. According to the Pro-Woman Line, it is not acceptable to criticize women for their survival strategies.